Celebrating the Spirit and Adventure of Sled Dog Racing
Celebrating the Spirit and Adventure of Sled Dog Racing
Signed in as:
We are grateful to our many generous sponsors for supporting the 2025 race. Please show your appreciation for these businesses by purchasing their products and services.
534 South Wasson Lane
River Falls, WI 54022
Babbitt, MN
Scott Edgett has a long-time connection to the WolfTrack Classic Sled Dog Race. We are excited that he is back as our Musher Representative. Scott also donates gear and use of equipment on race day, plus does a bunch of grooming on the 6-dog Purvis trail loop before the race. Thank you, Scott, for your on going commitment to the race.
Many thanks to Peter and his family. Not only do the McClelland's run in our race, but they are a large source of support. Peter assists with trail grooming on the Purvis Loop, along with Scott. Peter allows us to use his snowmobile to mark the trail on Saturday and patrol it all day on Sunday. We also use his ATV to shuttle teams to the start line. Thank you, Peter, for your ongoing support.
1396 E Hwy 169, Ely
Dr. Chip is our official race vet!
318 E. Miners Drive, Ely
Special thanks to the Vermilion Range Amateur Radio Club for providing communications teams at our road crossings and safety points along the race route.
Northwoods Inn & Suites - Insula Restaurant - Stan & Joyce Passananti - North American Bear Center (5 signs!) - Arrowhead Outdoors - Dorothy Molter Museum (2 signs!) - Ely Timberjay - Heather Brandon - Elizabeth Busa - Dorothy Molter - Day Break Pottery - Tower Cafe - Ely Camp Haus
Rick Sunde - Betsy LePlatt - Frandsen Bank & Trust - Dusty Klaven