Celebrating the Spirit and Adventure of Sled Dog Racing
Celebrating the Spirit and Adventure of Sled Dog Racing
Signed in as:
Thank you for your interest in the WolfTrack Classic Sled Dog Race. The success of the race literally rests in the hands of 150 volunteers each year. We reserve the right to shift volunteers to open positions as needed to assure safe travel for our mushers and their teams. Please select several positions and/or locations when registering.
SATURDAY PRE-RACE START-FINISH SET UP - This is a critical spot where we always need volunteers. Snow fencing, the chute, signage, and banners are all put in place. Fifteen to 20 volunteers are ideal to get everything set up in about 2 hours.
ROAD & SAFETY CROSSINGS: Purpose of road and safety crossing volunteers: Volunteers at each crossing stop traffic and allow for safe passage of mushers and their teams to cross highways and forest roads. Those working safety points make sure teams cross safely. Road crossing volunteers have the best spot in the race to watch the teams in action. They also serve as the “Guardian Angels” for the dog teams. This volunteer position is the most critical one.
Highway 1 (Crossing near softball complex at start-finish) - 12 volunteers
Highway 21 (Second crossing at the start of the race and second to the last crossing at the end) - 12 volunteers
Raven Road (Private road located several miles west of Ely) – 1-2 volunteers
Purvis Safety (Remote location off of Bear Head Lake State Park Road) - 6 volunteers - this is a snowshoe, ski, or snowmobile in location. It's a turning point on the racecourse for 6-dog teams.
Cub Lake Crossing (Road crossing in Bear Head Lake State Park) – 8-9 volunteers - Crossing point for 8-dog sled dog teams.
Bear Head Road Crossing (Road crossing in Bear Head Lake State Park) - 8 volunteers - Crossing point for 8-dog teams.
Lucky Boy Safety (A safety point on the Taconite Trail near the Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital). 2 volunteers needed. All teams pass by this point. Bring your lawn chairs and snacks - you will have the best seats on the racecourse.
Start-Finish Safety (Located on the backside of the Ely Softball complex) 1 volunteer. Short walk to safety point.
PARKING - Start-finish parking area for mushers, volunteers, and the public. 10 volunteers
ATV DRIVERS - Priority is given to drivers who have experience moving sled dog teams.
RUNNER - Our race director's assistant throughout the race. The runner always knows where teams are on the trail.
HOOKERS- Strong back, arms, and core muscles needed. 2 volunteers.
START-FINISH TAKEDOWN- Six to eight volunteers are needed to help take down fencing, signage, banners, and other items at the end of the race. About 45 minutes is needed.
COMMUNICATIONS - We work with our local amateur radio club. If you are a registered HAM radio operator, please contact us for more details.
HANDLERS- We work with a local musher, their staff, and our community college to fill handler positions. We will fill additional openings, if available, with those who are 18-years old or older and have handled for the race in the past. We always receive more requests than there are positions. Please consider assisting at road crossings or safety points. Road crossings and safety points offer the best viewing of all the teams, plus you are assuring safe passage for our sled dog teams along the race course.
1. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old to register.
2. Those participating as dog handlers must be 18 years of age.
3. Volunteers who register and do not show up to assist on race day will not be allowed to register as a volunteer the following year. (Volunteer participation is critical!)
Please review the Volunteer Release Agreement below. By submitting your volunteer registration, you agree to the terms listed in the Volunteer Release Agreement.
1600 East Sheridan Street, Ely, Minnesota 55731, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
I hereby apply to participate as a volunteer for the WolfTrack Classic Sled Dog Race 2025.
I acknowledge that there are risks of injury to persons while participating in a sled dog race. I further acknowledge that I am participating as a volunteer in this race at my own risk.
In consideration of my being permitted to participate as a volunteer in this race, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns and personal representatives, I hereby waive, release and forever discharge WolfTrack Classic Sled Dog Race, Inc., any organizations or individuals involved in organizing and/or sponsoring this race, any municipalities or other public entities, and all of their employees, agents, officers, directors, attorneys, members, sponsors or promoters and affiliates whosoever from any and all liability, claim, loss, cost or expense for personal injury, death or property damage arising or attributable in any way to any action or omission to act of any such person or organization in the sanctioning, organizing or execution of this sled dog event, or my participation therein, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities mentioned above, including but not limited to travel to or from or parking at the sled dog event.
Knowing the above risks of sled dog racing, I nevertheless hereby agree to assume those risks and to release, discharge and hold harmless all of the persons or entities mentioned above who might be liable to me or my heirs or assigns, for any and all damages for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind. The risks which I assume are all those involved in participation in a sled dog event.